Tag: optical character recognition (ocr)

IDP vs. OCR: Which Is Right for Your Business?
Which Level of Workflow Automation Software Is Right for You?

Which Level of Workflow Automation Software Is Right for You?

As of 2020, a Statista study found the primary reasons for digital transformation in organizations worldwide were due to improved earnings (19%) and customer demand (26%). This means even smaller businesses can experience impressive productivity gains with partial automation of their paper-based business processes. While many rave about the power of workflow automation, the first…

How a Financial Firm Uses RPA to Process 1,800 Docs Per Day without Human Intervention
How OCR Helps Solve Business Problems

How OCR Helps Solve Business Problems

Everyone wants to capture more information, faster, while spending less time to process it manually. That’s a tall order, but document capture technology helps to achieve this quest for digital transformation and efficiency, some of which is much older than you realize. Case in point: optical character recognition (OCR). OCR has been used widely on…

When Is a Document Scanning Price Too Good To Be True?

When Is a Document Scanning Price Too Good To Be True?

It’s tempting to consider using the document scanning company that offers the lowest price per page or per box. But can the lowest price be too good to be true? Though price is always important, it is only one component of the entire cost. What’s in a Price There are several important steps to the…