Cloud platforms promote real-time collaboration, offer fast and easy scalability, and provide a stable, centralized repository for documents, and more.
Now that remote work is part of the new normal for businesses, cloud-based collaboration on digital platforms, along with cloud-based file storage, have become necessary tools to maintain business continuity, communication, and productivity within teams. Gartner estimates that by 2025, over 80% of organizations will shift their paper-based data centers to the cloud.
We saw this shift happen rapidly as companies turned to remote work to keep their businesses running amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As offices reopen, many employees will remain remote, with some returning to the office or a hybrid workstyle. Cloud-based platforms for collaboration and document management provide the flexibility of working from any location without the risk of forgetting folders or documents at the office.
The Five Key Benefits of Cloud-Based Document Management
Cloud-based document management empowers your teams to collaborate from the office, home, and other remote settings. From reducing the risk of file deletion to streamlining document management workflows, cloud-based software alleviates the headaches of paper.
Here are the top five benefits of cloud-based document management and collaboration:
1. Scalability
Cloud platforms are flexible to your team’s needs and can grow seamlessly alongside your organization. Traditional systems of collaboration may include expenses of hardware, on-premise configurations, licensing, and more. With cloud-based platforms for collaboration, you only pay for what you need.
2. Real-Time Collaboration & Analytics
Whether your employees are in the office or working remotely, cloud software offers real-time collaboration for improved decision-making. Managing data and analytics from a cloud platform offers valuable, real-time insights on the organization’s financial health, as well as advanced reporting, tracking, and other metrics that foster accountability and transparency.
3. Centralized Document Repository
A cloud document management software like MetaStor can replace your filing cabinets that are taking up valuable real estate space with a digital repository of data. Not only does this protect documents against physical threats of fire, floods, and more, it allows your employees to quickly and securely access any document wherever and whenever they are working. A cloud platform such as MetaStor also provides mobile integrations for remote accessibility.
4. Streamlined Business Processes with Workflow Automation
In combination with document capture technology, cloud platforms streamline your digital tools for faster processing and distribution of documents. With workflow automation, organizations can alleviate human employees of repetitive manual tasks.
5. Customizable
The right platform will be tailor-made to fit the exact needs of your organization and teams. Cloud platforms offer versatility of tools, application integrations, and more, allowing you to fit the technology into your organization – and not the other way around.
Cloud-Based Document Management Brings Flexibility & Security
For in-office and remote teams alike, cloud-based collaboration and document management software provide the tools you need to increase productivity and decrease manual tasks.
And with MetaSource’s cloud document management software, MetaStor, workflow automation, and enterprise content management (ECM), teams can collaborate effectively and efficiently within a secure, digital environment.
Contact the MetaSource team to learn more about the benefits of MetaStor and collaboration in the cloud.