Blog Posts: Business Process Outsourcing

3 Criteria for Partnering With the Right BPO Company

3 Criteria for Partnering With the Right BPO Company

There are many business process outsourcing (BPO) companies offering numerous services and software solutions to help your company manage documents better and automate processes critical to your business. What criteria should you use when selecting a BPO provider? We suggest you evaluate their outsourcing expertise in three key areas: experience, training and support. 1. Why…

4 Ways to Lower Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency

4 Ways to Lower Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency

It’s important to look at the everyday processes within your firm that could be slowing your company down and decreasing revenue. Even small snags in timing on a day-to-day basis can cost significant amounts in lost revenue. In fact, according to the IDC market research firm, corporate revenues decrease by 20 to 30 percent each…

BPO Companies: The Business Behind Your Business

BPO Companies: The Business Behind Your Business

During the pandemic, business process outsourcing (BPO) companies have kept the economy thriving. These BPO services have helped companies remain operational while employees work from home, respond to an increasingly volatile market, and cut costs during the current recession. Even though a considerable number of offices remain closed throughout the U.S., businesses of all sizes…

5 Best Practices to Maintain Business Continuity While Working Remotely

5 Best Practices to Maintain Business Continuity While Working Remotely

With the coronavirus going on longer than originally expected, businesses have had to quickly adapt to a new way of working. Though tough at first for many companies, working from home has many benefits. A new Upwork study from April 2020 found 56% of hiring managers reported that the transition to working remotely went smoother…

Digital Mailroom Solutions vs. a Taxing Paper Clog

Digital Mailroom Solutions vs. a Taxing Paper Clog

Growing a business built on helping clients obtain IRS debt relief takes more than tax savvy and a track record of good results. You also need a system that facilitates faster debt resolution and lets you work without leaving you mired in paper. Even in a digital age, debts and paper mail can be an…

Whitepaper: Prepare for the Future of Business with a Digital Mailroom

Whitepaper: Prepare for the Future of Business with a Digital Mailroom

Even among organizations actively pursuing the benefits of digital automation, the mailroom often lags behind as a stubbornly inefficient silo of paper. But it doesn’t have to. The right document capture technology can eliminate the risks, costs, inefficiencies and wasted space associated with paper mail.   MetaSource’s latest whitepaper, Prepare for the Future of Business…

6 Best Practices for Transitioning Your Business to a Long-Term Remote Work

6 Best Practices for Transitioning Your Business to a Long-Term Remote Work

For many businesses, the coronavirus pandemic forced a shift to remote work overnight. As a silver lining, in a new study, 56 percent of hiring managers found this transition to working from home went better than expected. Seeing more productive employees and the cost-saving benefits, many companies, such as Facebook, Twitter, and more, are looking…

How to Give Your Staff Easy Document Access While Working from Home

How to Give Your Staff Easy Document Access While Working from Home

The coronavirus has changed the way businesses operate. Already the number of Americans working from home has quadrupled to 50% according to a recent survey from The National Bureau of Economic Research. Twitter and Square have already offered employees the option to work from home permanently and Facebook is considering doing the same. In fact,…

See How MetaSource’s Digital Mailroom Works in Our Latest Video

See How MetaSource’s Digital Mailroom Works in Our Latest Video

Do you still use a physical, onsite mailroom? Are you struggling to manage your newly decentralized team’s incoming and outgoing communications because of it? Well, what if you could centralize your mailroom in a way that makes critical business communications easily accessible to all members of your team—even those working remotely? Good news: you can!…

Maximize Office Space by Outsourcing Business Processes

Maximize Office Space by Outsourcing Business Processes

As the coronavirus remains a threat, many businesses are struggling with how to keep their employees safe while adapting to the new norm. Many business leaders have seen the advantages of outsourcing–both to help their remote workers and those who are returning to the office–stay connected and productive despite the distractions of companies in transition….